Wilson Store
"Wilson Store"
History comes alive! The Historic Odessa’s school program offers educators a well documented, interactive and hands-on sampler of 18th century life in colonial Odessa. Although designed specifically with Delaware teachers in mind, our program is broad enough to accommodate schools from other states, home schoolers, youth organizations and summer camps.
Step back in time to Wilson’s Odessa store to see what goods and services were available to residents hundreds of years ago. Of course, what you could purchase depended upon your means so we’ll give student groups an 18th century identity, a list of goods they will need to purchase and a wallet with a sum of Odessa money. Each group will have to make basic economic decisions about their purchases. You could be a wealthy businessman who could purchase almost anything in Wilson’s store including silk, velvet, a silver tea service, expensive teas and spices—all the luxuries that your family needs for a genteel lifestyle. However, you could also be a struggling farmer buying only the bare necessities for your family’s survival—knitting needles, nails, handsaws, fish hooks. See how your economic decisions can affect you, your family and your community.
For more information on this program, please contact Johnnye Baker at 378-5562.