Photographs on Location [1]
The Historic Odessa Foundation encourages our guests and members of our community to take casual photographs and videos of their visit for personal use. However, personal photographs and videos may not be used for commercial purposes.
Professional Photographers and Videographers
All professional photographers and videographers must be HOF members at the $125 Contributor level [2]. Commercial filming and photography are permitted by appointment at the discretion of the Foundation. Location fees and insurance are required and certain restrictions may apply. For information, please call (302) 378-4119.
Photographing on Historic Odessa Foundation grounds: Policies & Procedures
- Professional photographers and videographers must check-in at the Foundation office or the HOF Visitors Center located in the Old Bank, 2nd & Main Streets.
- No parking in the Cobblestone Courtyard or driveways; all vehicles must park on Main Street.
- Be aware of and respectful of HOF property boundaries.
- Photography sessions must not interfere with the enjoyment of visitors touring the Historic Houses of Odessa.
- Drone photography is not permitted.
- The use of props or signs is not permitted.
- Rice and confetti may not be thrown.
- Sparklers, Chines Lanterns, live flame, and other fire is not permitted.
- Product photography is not permitted.
- Portfolio photography for photographers and models is not permitted.
- No portable changing rooms.
- Tripods may be used with the exception of high volume days such as during the Christmas holiday season, including "Christmas in Odessa [3]," the annual Historic Odessa Brewfest [4] and other museum events. For restricted dates contact (302) 378-4119.
- Please be respectful of our gardens, trees, shrubs and garden focal points, such as brick walls, garden sculptures and furnishings, flower pots, outbuildings, historic well pumps, carriage blocks and lamp posts.
- Children may not climb in trees, hang from branches, or jump from carriage blocks, steps, brick walls or fences.
- Nothing on the properties may be moved.
- Do not encroach on any museum event, including tours, wedding ceremonies, receptions, private parties or other events.
- Alcoholic beverages are not permitted.
- Grounds close at dusk.
For more information, please contact Jennifer Cabell at (302) 378-4119 or [5].