Middletown High School Advanced Placement Art and Design Showcase [1]

The Historic Odessa Foundation is proud to showcase a collection of imaginative artworks created by the talented Advanced Placement Art and Design studio students of Middletown High School, under the direction of art teacher Kate Huffman.
These high school seniors have worked over the course of the school year, and beyond, to develop a studio process and a compilation of artworks comparable to the college level.
The artwork being presented is a culmination of eight months’ worth of individual investigations through independent studio exploration of two-dimensional mediums, techniques, and content. The exhibition will showcase a handful of finished works and sketchbook inquiries created by each AP student. The show will be on display from Tuesday, March 5th through Thursday, March 28th with free visitation during usual HOF museum hours.
Come celebrate the creative art students by attending a reception at the HOF Visitor Center on Thursday, March 7th, from 5-7 pm. Light refreshments will be provided and the art students will be in attendance for plenty of meet and greet opportunities.
Photo Credit: Clothing Lines by Megan Lin