CANCELED: Trunk or Treat [1]

Our Trunk or Treat has been canceled, but catch us at the Town of Odessa's Halloween in the Park [2], next Saturday, October 28th!
Trunk or Treat in Odessa!
Guidelines for those entering a Trunk:
- Choose a family friendly theme and decorate your vehicle. Candles and open flames may not be used in your display.
- Ideas may be found at: [3]
- Each vehicle will provide their own treats to hand out and all treats must be wrapped; 100 pieces of candy and you are welcome to bring more.
- Please have one adult or reliable teenager stationed at your vehicle during the entire event.
Please return registration form ASAP to reserve your parking place. (Spaces are limited)
RSVP for the number of kids attending, 302-378-4119
Event Date:
Sunday, October 22, 2023 - 14:00