Reception: Meet the Artist, Jan Crooker [1]

The MOT community and beyond is appreciatively invited to meet and greet the talented artist whose colorful acrylic paintings are on display at the Historic Odessa Foundation Visitor Center Gallery.
This artist reception is held in conjunction with the art exhibition, COLOR SECRETS: Paintings by Jan Crooker (Tuesday, June 28 – Sunday, August 28, 2022). The Kutztown, Pennsylvania artist Jan Crooker will be on hand to take questions concerning her background, inspirations and techniques in creating vibrant acrylic paintings of still lifes and local landscapes. Reconnect with fellow HOF members and mingle with invited guests and the public during this reception, all while admiring an outstanding collection of paintings.
Free for HOF Members and Invited Guests/Light refreshments will be served.
For Reservations contact Jennifer Cabell Kostik at 302-378-4119 [2]