Odessa High School: Art Showcase [1]

The Historic Odessa Foundation is proud to showcase the creative talents of students from the Appoquinimink School District’s Odessa High School's 9th and 10th grade art students.
Come and admire the imaginative artwork created by the talented Odessa High School’s 9th and 10th grade art students under the direction of art educator, Mrs. Brianna Shetzler. The art exhibit will showcase colorful drawings and paintings of still lifes and portraits. The Historic Odessa Foundation is proud to exhibit at their Visitor Center the wonderful artworks produced by these artists over this challenging school year.
Celebrate the student artists by attending a meet and greet reception at the HOF Visitor Center on Thursday, April 7, from 6-8pm.
Odessa High School
The Odessa High School with their mascot of the Ducks is one of the newest schools of the Appoquinimink School District and the newest Delaware high school which opened in the fall of 2020. The school which is part of a transformed cornfield into an impressive K-12 education complex of 4 schools on the Fairview Campus, less than 2 miles from the museum complex.