Myth-understandings: Early American History Stories [1]

Discover some of the most persistent fabrications and embellishments in early American history!
Visitors to the Historic Odessa Foundation will explore myths repeated at museums and historical societies all across America… about people, their objects, and architecture. Through this informative exhibit the foundation seeks to discredit and discourage the retelling of tall tales like…houses didn’t have closets in colonial days because people wanted to avoid paying the closet tax… beds were shorter because people slept sitting up…Venetian blinds were invented in Venice…just to name a few!
Please join us for this insightful look at the myths that have made very appealing stories for generations but are completely false…and… share with us the myths you may heard when visiting other cultural institutions.
Museum Guides and Interpreters are invited to our Myth-understandings Workshop on Monday, October 14th.