Adornment: Female Family Treasures [1]

Now on view until mid-May, the Historic Odessa Foundation presents Adornment: Female Family Treasures. This exhibit gives an intimate view into the lives of historic Odessa’s most prominent women and speaks to the everyday lives of these genteel ladies. From eighteenth century mourning jewelry to Victorian gems, the exhibit contains objects that would have been worn for a formal occasion as well as simpler objects representative of the Quaker aesthetic. With the means to travel abroad in the late nineteenth century, ladies collected souvenir finery from the places visited. Perhaps the most sentimental pieces in this display are jewelry containing the hair of lost loved ones. Made to act as memorials, these emotional keepsakes demonstrate how the ladies coped with family tragedy and death. Often made of precious metals, personal articles had engraved monograms, and others were lovingly handmade. These valued treasures were passed down from mother to daughter through many generations. Thanks to this caring preservation, we can enjoy them again today in the collection of the Historic Odessa Foundation.
The exhibit was organized by two University of Delaware undergraduates as part of an internship at the Historic Odessa Foundation. Though many different internship opportunities are available at the historic houses, this internship’s focus is on conservation and historic site management. This internship will prepare these students for future work in the fields of museums and conservation.
The exhibit is on view in the visitor reception lobby of Historic Odessa Foundation’s 1855 Bank building at the corner of Main and 2nd Streets, Tuesday through Saturday 10-4:30, Sunday 1-4:30. Guided tours of the historic houses are available during these hours. For more information, (302) 378-4119.