Program: Paint An Animal Chalkware Figure [1]

Children and adults alike, plan to come to the HOF Visitor’s Center to paint (glaze) an animal chalkware (ceramic) figure like the chalkware figures of the 19th century.
Five to eight animal figures will be available for your choice which may include an eagle, turtle, lady bug, or beaver, among others. This program will be led by the local Your Creation Station of Middletown and is held in conjunction with the small exhibit, "Duplicated, Decorated and Displayed: An American Folk Art Chalkware Collection" at the National Historic Register Wilson-Warner House. A trip to see the chalkware exhibit is included in the cost of this event. Directions on how and when participants will pick-up their completed and fired figures will be given at the program.
Reservations are required by Wednesday, October 9th by calling Jennifer Cabell Kostik at 302-378-4119
$15 per person
HOF Visitor’s Center, 201 Main Street, Odessa, Delaware