Pop-Up Exhibit: The Odessa Paintings of David Ohlerking [1]

For a very limited engagement the Historic Odessa Foundation is excited to present the Odessa paintings of plein-air artist David Ohlerking at their Visitor’s Center.
Ohlerking was spotted at a nearby town painting local scenes and architecture and was enthusiastically invited to the National Historic Register town of Odessa to paint their picturesque town. Ohlerking arrived just 2 days later and got right to work creating colorful interpretations of the historic houses. He plans to paint the town for a few weeks and add paintings to the exhibit as he finishes them.
If you are in town, you won’t miss spotting the artist for yourself, as he paints out of the back of his fully painted Crown Victoria car. Ohlerking hasn’t painted his car, instead for the last eight years he has handed his brushes fully loaded with paint to local children and invites them to do their expression on his vehicle.
Stop by to watch Ohlerking draw a quick sketch of his subject and then paint in the colors in his individual style. With this “pop-up” exhibit the Historic Odessa Foundation hopes to create a spring buzz in their picturesque town. Don’t miss the display of the results of this artist’s creativity.
Admission: Free
Visitors Center, Old Bank
201 Main Street
Odessa, DE 19730