Members & Donors [1]
Your gift to the Historic Odessa Foundation supports our educational and historic preservation efforts year-round. Membership brings free and discounted opportunities and access to special members-only events.
Gifts are used to support the general operation of the Foundation, including the restoration, preservation and protection of the Historic Odessa property, buildings and collection. In addition, the Foundation conducts a variety of community programs and events that inspire school children and inform the general public about its history.
Our mission relies on both individual and corporate gifts. Read more about our mission and strategic plan » [2]
Membership Options
We have several levels of membership. Click on the link below to learn about membership levels and benefits.
Join or Renew Your Membership Now » [3]
Gifts and Bequests
Contributions support the general operation of Historic Odessa and are essential to our ability to carry out our mission of preservation and education.
Options for Donors: Projects & Programs » [4]
Corporate Giving
We offer several options for corporate giving, including cash, charge, wire transfer or stocks and mutual funds. Also find information on giving precious historical objects.
Honor Roll of Donors
Honoring the generosity of gifts to the Historic Odessa Foundation.
The Historic Odessa Foundation is a recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization, eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions. The Foundation operates on an annual $500,000 budget, 72% of which is funded through voluntary memberships and contributions.