Lecture: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Lewis Carroll’s Christmas Greetings [1]

August A. Imholtz, Jr. was until 2011 the Government Documents Vice President of Readex, a digital publishing company. A former president of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America, he is also a past president of the Baltimore Bibliophiles, was a member of American Library Association’s Rare and Endangered Government Documents for 8 years, as well as a long-time member of the Lewis Carroll Societies of Great Britain, Canada, and Japan.
He has written or edited several books and published more than 100 articles in academic journals on Greek and Latin philology, Lewis Carroll, and other subjects. He has lectured at Cambridge University, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC, Princeton University, Duke University, the Foreign Language Library in Moscow, and many other institutions. He and his wife Clare curated an exhibition of Carrolliana at the University of Maryland’s Hornbake Library, "ALICE 150 Years and Counting…" which opened Oct. 1, 2015 and runs through July 2016.
Location: Visitor’s Center (corner of Main and 2nd Streets)
Cost: $15 per person (Members FREE)
Photo credit: Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures Under Ground original manuscript version of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 1862-64, British Library