Looking at Theorem Painting: Its History and Application [1]

Come join the talented early American artist Noreen Taylor as she reviews and demonstrates this unique early 19th century American art form. Taylor will share traditional techniques on how to create beautiful theorem paintings using old time designs. A question and answer period will be included in this informative discussion.
This event is being held in conjunction with the museum loan exhibit, "Delaware Collects: Stenciled, Painted and Framed, An American Theorem Collection" on display at the National Historic Register, Wilson-Warner House.
Theorem Painting by Noreen Taylor
Visitors Center, 2nd & Main Streets
This event is FREE!
For more information, please call (302) 378-4119.
About Noreen Taylor
The early American artist Noreen Taylor has been theorem painting for nearly a decade. The Dover, Delaware resident discovered the art while visiting the Winterthur Museum. She was intrigued with the art form and was fortunate to take classes from a third generation New England theorem painter. Noreen strives to pass on this early American 19th century school girl tradition by conducting weekly classes of her own.
Noreen Taylor chooses to work with artist oil paints on cotton velveteen. She creates her own traditional and primitive stencils from old sources or designs her own. Taylor prefers to layer her stencils and shade the colors for a more lifelike result.
She exhibits her framed paintings at annual craft shows and historical events in the mid-Atlantic region, including George Washington’s Mount Vernon’s 18th Century Market Fair, Dover Days in Delaware, The First State Heritage Park’s 18th Century Market Fair, and the Women’s Club of Odessa’s Christmas in Odessa.
Theorem Painting: An Early American Art Form
Taylor’s work has been consistently chosen by the Early American Life Magazine as a top 200 artisan. Her paintings have also been included in the Delaware by Hand exhibits at the Biggs Museum of American Art. Her work can be viewed at Noreen’s Theorem Paintings and Decorative Arts.