News & Press

Jan 29, 2020 1:30PM

Behind the Scenes: Conservation Internship Program

H. Rodney Sharp (1880-1968), newly graduated from Delaware College (now the University of Delaware), came to Odessa in 1900 to teach at the Academy, a three room brick schoolhouse on Main Street at the corner of Third Street.  He first roomed at the 1822 hotel-tavern, now Cantwells Tavern, and later had rooms in a private home.  He became friends with Daniel Wheeler Corbit and often visited his mansion, a National Historic Landmark. Though Mr. Sharp left Odessa in 1903 to work for E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, his appreciation for the town of Odessa prompted his restoration of many of its historic houses, and his interest in education continued throughout his life.

Dec 5, 2020 10:00AM

HOF Participates in "Christmas in Odessa 2020"

The first "Christmas in Odessa" took place 55 years ago as a fundraiser for the Women's Club of Odessa. The purpose was to fund college scholarships for local high school seniors. With the help and cooperation of Odessa homeowners and the Historic Odessa Foundation, the Women’s Club of Odessa has provided scholarships to over 100 students.

2020, HOF opens for Spring!
Mar 1, 2020 9:45AM

2020, HOF opens for Spring!

Historic Odessa reopens for Spring tours on March 1. HOF is open to the public March through December, Tuesday through Saturday, 10 AM – 4:30 PM and Sunday 1 PM – 4:30 PM, Monday by reservation. Plan Your Visit »

Calling all photographers! Capture the moment at Historic Odessa

Calling all Delaware photographers! Now is the perfect time to have a photo session on the beautifully preserved grounds of Historic Odessa, Delaware.

Mar 1, 2020 2:00PM

Celebrating Dr. Seuss's 116th Birthday

Celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday with Historic Odessa Foundation. Party with a reading of Cat in Hat followed by family friendly arts and crafts.

Dec 5, 2019 7:00PM

Holiday Candlelight Tour SOLD OUT

You are invited to step back in time through the doors of the Historic Odessa Foundation and explore the Christmas traditions of yesteryear! Participants experience a special candlelight tour of our 2019 holiday exhibit and enjoy wine and festive treats in front of a roaring fire at the Collins-Sharp House, c.1700.

Dec 9, 2019 5:00PM

By Invitation Only: 2019 Members Holiday Party

The Board of Directors and Staff of the Historic Odessa Foundation invite you to attend the 15th Annual Member Holiday Party Monday, December 9th 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at the Visitors Center in historic Odessa, Delaware. Reservations are limited! R.S.V.P. Jennifer Cabell Kostik (302) 378-4119

Nov 14, 2019 10:00AM to Dec 29, 2019 4:30PM

2019 Storybook Trees Exhibit Nov 14 - Dec 29

We invite you to join us to view Christmas trees decorated to the theme from your favorite children’s book. This year’s Storybook Trees exhibit is located in Wilson-Warner House and will showcase decorated trees in its beautiful period rooms.

Oct 1, 2019 10:00AM to Oct 31, 2019 4:30PM

HOF goes Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Every evening throughout the month of October the Historic Odessa Foundation’s buildings will be awash in pink light in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Visitors can stop by after dusk to view the landmarks in all of their pink splendor.  

Oct 24, 2019 6:00PM

Reception / Meet the Artists

Meet the talented professional artists of The Artists’ Exchange of Delaware and discover their diversity of contemporary artwork at the Historic Odessa Foundation’s Visitor Center. 

Oct 17, 2019 6:00PM

Program: Paint An Animal Chalkware Figure

Children and adults alike, plan to come to the HOF Visitor’s Center to paint (glaze) an animal chalkware (ceramic) figure like the chalkware figures of the 19th century. 

Sep 11, 2019 6:00PM

Artist Reception: H. Earl Abbott, Jr.

Meet the noted central Delaware artist H. Earl Abbott, Jr. and discover his picturesque artwork at the Historic Odessa Foundation’s Visitor Center, 6-8pm.