Quilters Day: Annual Sew-In
Monday, August 9, 2021 - 9:30am
This is a daylong opportunity for quilters and other needle workers to come together with their materials and needed equipment to sew and share fellowship.
Historic Odessa Sew-In
A breakfast snack, coffee and tea and goodies will be available beginning at 9:30 am. Participants are asked to bring a bag lunch or they can order something for take-out from Cantwell’s Tavern. Coffee, tea and water will be available during lunch. A docent will be available after lunch for a tour of the Corbit and Wilson Warner houses and a Show and Tell time will be included.
Space is limited to 15 as we will try to space ourselves a bit further apart.
Cost: $15, members are free.
Please call 302-378-4119 to register.