News & Press
Mar 30, 2015 1:00PM to 2:30PM Lecture: One Family in Delaware: The Corbits of OdessaThis presentation explores the various lives of six generations of the same Quaker clan who first settled in Cantwell’s Bridge, Delaware in or about 1630 and continues through the last generation of this prominent family to call the town of Odessa home. |
Children: Chores and LeisureHistory Comes Alive! The Historic Odessa Foundation’s school program offers educators a well-documented, interactive and hands-on sampler of 18th century life in colonial Delaware. Although designed specifically with Delaware teachers in mind, our program is broad enough to accommodate school from other states, homeschoolers, youth organizations and summer camps. |
Dec 19, 2015 10:00AM to 3:00PM 2015 Demonstration: Festive FoodsTop off your holiday tour at the Collins-Sharp House as the Historic Odessa Foundation hearth cooks prepare a sumptuous holiday feast. While parents are enjoying the sights and smells of hearthside cooking, children are invited to create their own “Alice in Wonderland” holiday ornament. |
Dec 12, 2015 10:00AM to 3:00PM 2015 Demonstration: Festive FoodsTop off your holiday tour at the Collins-Sharp House as the Historic Odessa Foundation hearth cooks prepare a sumptuous holiday feast. While parents are enjoying the sights and smells of hearthside cooking, children are invited to create their own “Alice in Wonderland” holiday ornament. |
Oct 17, 2015 9:00AM to 2:00PM Docents: Hearth Cooking Training for DocentsEnrich and expand your interpretation of Historic Odessa’s kitchens. Hands-on training as we prepare and enjoy a hearth cooked meal will help you provide your guests with a real understanding of our culinary history and its place in our overall interpretative story. Free training for HOF docents only. Contact Johnnye at 302-378-5562. |
Oct 17, 2015 9:00AM to 2:00PM Workshop: From Hearth to TableEnjoy the hearthside bounty of fall at a special hearth cooking class and luncheon hosted by costumed interpreters at the historic Collins-Sharp House. Using 18th century cooking techniques, tools and recipes, we will create and enjoy a meal that recaptures the flavor of Odessa’s colonial past. |
Sep 11, 2015 9:00AM to 3:00PM Fall Homeschool DayJoin us for a school tour sampler designed just for homeschoolers. Take your family back in time to explore the 18th century in colonial Odessa. Our site offers a unique and well-documented picture of early American life in our interactive, hands-on educational workshops. |
Apr 22, 2015 10:30AM to 11:30AM Volunteers: Training and Refresher - Underground RailroadFor more information, please call (302) 378-4119. |
Apr 15, 2015 10:30AM to 11:30AM Volunteers: Training and Refresher - Hearth CookingFor more information, please call (302) 378-4119. |
Apr 8, 2015 10:30AM to 11:30AM Volunteers: Training and Refresher - School & Family ProgrammingFor more information, please call (302) 378-4119. |
Apr 1, 2015 11:00AM to 12:00PM Volunteers: 18th Century Kitchen Equipment TrainingOpen to all current and new docents. If you’ve ever wondered “what is that????” in our kitchens, join us as we unlock the mysteries of 18th century kitchen tools and equipment. |
Apr 10, 2015 9:00AM to 1:00PM Spring Home School DayJoin us for a school tour sampler designed just for homeschoolers. Take your family back in time to explore the 18th century in colonial Odessa. Our site offers a unique and well-documented picture of early American life in our interactive, hands-on educational workshops. In the spring, we feature: Artisan Apprentice, School Days, 18th century Hearth Cooking, Wilson Store. |